About the Company

Corporate Ethical Behavior Guidelines

In order to contribute to the development of society while also earning the trust and respect of society through its business activities, CONNECTEC JAPAN Corporation has established the following corporate ethics that the company and its executives and employees must follow as the guiding principles of conduct.



Our basic principle of conduct is to strictly comply with relevant laws, internal rules, social norms, etc. in all aspects of our corporate activities.


Co-prosperity with customers

By sincerely attending to the needs of all our customers and providing high-quality products at fair prices, we will continue on a path of prosperity together with our customers.


Technology and intellectual property

We will press forward in the development of original technology and protect and utilize the intellectual property obtained thereby, while respecting and never infringing on the intellectual property of others.


Respect for human rights

We recognize that each and every person is a unique and invaluable existence, and as such, all have the right to pursue happiness. We do not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on age, gender, origin, beliefs, physical characteristics, or other personal attributes.


Healthy work environment

We will give proper consideration to workplace health and safety, strive to promote health among our executives and employees, evaluate executives and employees fairly and equitably, and establish a healthy and rewarding work environment.


Fair business activities

We value fair and free competition and maintain wholesome and highly transparent relations with politics, government, etc.


Disclosure of information

We will disclose corporate information in a timely and fair manner to all stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, business partners, executives and employees, and ensure transparency of management.


Elimination of anti-social forces

We will eliminate involvement of anti-social forces in any activity and resolutely confront illegal acts and unreasonable demands.


Corporate citizenship awareness

We will always be aware that a company is a public entity within society and, as a member of the local community, we will work head-on to contribute to society through job creation and environmental conservation.